Fabric | composite fabric is what? What are the pros and cons? Dec 17, 2021
Composite fabric is to combine two or more fabrics together to produce fabrics, combined the characteristics of this kind of fabric will be a variety of fabrics, composite fabrics mainly used in the clothing and textile industry, it can meet the requirements of those who have the special function of the clothing, the small make up just over the advantages and disadvantages of composite fabrics to introduce this kind of fabric.

What is composite fabric?

People also called composite fabric adhesive cloth, as the name implies is to bond a variety of cloth together, cloth will be divided into cloth, cloth and film these three parts, and then in the production of hot melt adhesive bonding, the process is more complex and once the error will be re-bonding,

Advantages and disadvantages of composite fabric:

"Composite" can make the fabric has a variety of characteristics of fabric, fabric is quite broad and durable and generally has a certain elasticity, not only can use it to make some intimate clothing, but also can be used for the production of clothing such as coats. Specific advantages and disadvantages of fabric are determined by the selection of composite materials, the advantages and disadvantages of different materials is different also, of course, the disadvantage of composite fabrics is also very obvious, because it is a variety of cloth together, clothes worn out there might be come unglued or separation, when washing should control the water temperature and pressure, the main air basks in the sun exposure and should not be too long

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